Cat Litter Trays

All Aussie Cat Litter Sieve Trays


  • Best used with All Aussie Cat Litter as our litter is free of harmful chemicals – only pine plantation timber is used, not recycled timber; the pine contains natural oils which inhibit bacteria and eliminates odour naturally, keeping your pet and home healthy
  • Save money – litter lasts longer as unused litter is not thrown away with soiled pellets
  • Save time – no need to change the litter as new pellets are added to the top tray
  • No tracking as the fine residue falls to the bottom tray so it doesn’t stick to your pet’s paw
  • Little to no airborne dust
  • Can be used for rabbits and other small animals
  • Available in beige or charcoal

Scroll down for help with using our sieve trays.



Instructions for Use:

The All Aussie sieve litter tray is designed for use with our All Aussie Cat Litter:

  • Add three scoops of All Aussie pellets to the bottom tray and spread loosely
  • Place the top tray into the bottom tray and add about a 2cm layer of All Aussie Cat Litter pellets to the top tray
  • When the pellets are wet they break down into fine powder and fall through into the bottom tray
  • Using the free All Aussie scoop provided with the tray, we recommend removing the solids once a day (or as required) and shaking the trays to ensure all loose residue falls through to the bottom.  The odour is now trapped in the powdered pellets in the bottom tray
  • The used, powdered litter in the bottom tray can be spread on your flower garden or lawn or placed in your compost bin
  • Add about three scoops of fresh All Aussie pellets again to the bottom tray and a small amount of fresh All Aussie pellets to the top tray if needed (no need to empty the top tray).

Easy!  You will love the fresh pine smell and your cats will love it too!


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