About Us

Welcome to All Aussie Industries

We have 22 years experience and go to extreme distances throughout four States of Australia to ensure we only use top quality material grown in Australia.

We can provide our products in 1kg, 2kg, 5kg, 10kg and 15kg bags.  Using high tech equipment, our bagging machines are fill, form and seal for ease of packing onto pallets.  They are easily carried or placed in shopping trolleys.


We can also supply our hay products in bales for those with larger animals such as horses, cattle, sheep, goats and pigs, etc.


We also have experience in exporting our products.

Our Range

Our Cat Litter is made 100% from Australian FSC certified Pine Tree Plantation timber.  The pine contains natural oils which inhibit bacteria and eliminate odour naturally keeping pets and homes healthy. Being environmentally friendly, the used litter can be spread over flower gardens as mulch.

Our Supreme range of organic mulches, feed and pet bedding include prime Lucerne hay, Oaten hay and Straw. We also chaff our own products, sourced only from top quality material grown throughout four States of Australia.

All materials are processed to ensure hygiene which minimises dust and seed. This assists animals in their digestion of our product and for the appearance of gardens. It also makes it easy for handling the material. Our products do not thatch. This means our products will allow and assist water to penetrate right through to the soil rather than being a shield or hard surface stopping the water as some other products do. If preferred, each type of hay can be supplied in compressed bales.

Freight Services – We can pack our products on single pallets or, for larger orders, pallets can be double stacked, ie there will be 2 pallets on 1 pallet space. Each pallet when delivered into the store will stand a maximum of 1.2 metres high.

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If you would like more information

about All Aussie Industries

Please contact us

0400 875 501   OR   [email protected]